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29 years ago

I am a


Looking to

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United Kingdom

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Confirm You're 18+ Years

Yes, I confirm I'm 18+

Myself Summary

About me

Hi Im shayla, they call me sassy shay. Im Tunisian and Jamaican, I love getting my feet done and toenails pained. Catch me in a heel everyday of the week.

Looking for

The one thing I am most passionate about:

I love pedicures and dressing up my feet. Dipping my feet in liquids is my favorite

Things I am looking for in a person are:

Im looking for someone who can make me feel good about my feet. Feel pleasured and excited to see what they can do.


Favorite Vacations Spot


Ideal First Date

Somewhere classy I can wear heels.



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Feetify is the 1st & ONLY site that gives CASH AWARDS DAILY to premium models, even if no buyers buy from them!  If you're a premium model & you're active & post quality pictures/videos, YOU'll be one of such winners. We give CASH awards DAILY! Click HERE to read more!

Buyers paid $10,000+ within days to premium models. Layla got paid $500+, Cher $300+, Meg $100+, Phynix $50+, Sophie $50+, Fairy $50+, Niamh $50+ and MANY MORE. Ask them if you don't believe! Go Premium, to be such models. 

Feetify is the ONLY site where all PREMIUM models get 100% of buyers' payments! In other sites you get 80%, here you get 100%.  Go Premium, to enjoy MANY MORE such perks like UNLIMITED exposure all over the site... and to stop this pop-up from re-appearing.