View Profile
Name | Flirtyfeet8008 |
Username | Flirtyfeet8008 |
Birthday | 37 years, 11 months ago |
I am a | Female |
Looking to | Share and Sell my feet pictures or videos |
City | Los Angeles |
Country | United States |
Feet Size | US.7 |
Confirm You're 18+ Years | Yes, I confirm I'm 18+ |
Myself Summary
About me | I’m a healthcare worker by day, and Entrepreneur by night. I work hard so I can play hard , but I’m really looking for more balance, more time for me outside of the “office” I’m active, I like to work up a good sweat, and I like to explore new cities, countries, restaurants, and hobbies. I also get so much joy working around the house: gardening , cleaning, organizing. |
Looking for
The one thing I am most passionate about: | Kindness and acceptance, experiencing the joys in life |
Things I am looking for in a person are: | Someone I can bring joy and excitement to with my feet |
Interests | Music, Snorkelling, Dogs, Cats, Decorating |
Favorite Vacations Spot | Home! Or the Grand Cayman Islands |
Ideal First Date | Anything with lots of laughter |
Looking for | Cyber Affair/Erotic Chat, Just friends |
Smoking | Never |
Language | English, Spanish |
Feet Size | 7.5 US |
Weight | 130 lbs |
Height | 5’4 |
Hair Color | Brown |
Eye Color | Brown |
Body Type | Pear |
Ethnicity | Hispanic |
Best Feature | Butt & Feet |