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Feetify is the ONLY site where all PREMIUM models get 100% of buyers' payments! In other sites you get 80%, here you get 100%. Go Premium, to enjoy MANY MORE such perks like UNLIMITED exposure all over the site... and to stop this pop-up from re-appearing.
Feetify is the 1st & ONLY site that gives CASH AWARDS DAILY to premium models, even if no buyers buy from them! If you're a premium model & you're active & post quality pictures/videos, YOU'll be one of such winners. We give CASH awards DAILY! Click HERE to read more!
Feetify is the ONLY site where all PREMIUM models get 100% of buyers' payments! In other sites you get 80%, here you get 100%. Go Premium, to enjoy MANY MORE such perks like UNLIMITED exposure all over the site... and to stop this pop-up from re-appearing.